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Saturday, February 20, 2016

around the world report

Technology in World War I

World War I shaped our world in many, many, many ways. And it's important to realize it wasn't that long ago. It was not even 100 years ago. But it was really the end of the more traditional empires. It was the end of kingdoms. It really reshTechnology in World War I aped much of the globe much morearound states defined by nations rather than states definedby monarchies or states defined by empires. And it was also the first war where technology, or I wouldsay modern technology-- technology has alwaysplayed a major role in wars. In fact, wars have been a catalyst for technology often. But it was the first time that muchof what we consider to be modern technologyplayed a huge role in the actual carrying out of the war. And to a large degree, this is whatmade the war so much bloodier, and onecould argue, even more protracted. So here I have a bunch of picturesof the various technologies used in World War I. Here in this picture you have a machine gun, which obviouslyallows you to indiscriminately mow down folks. These guys, it looks like they mightbe in some type of a trench. And so you could imagine that combinationif viewed from above. So let's say that this is a trench. This is a trench right over here. We're looking from above. So there's some people sitting in the trench. A couple of these folks have machine guns. The rest of the guys just have rifles over here. If you wanted to storm this trench,you'd be in a bad situation. The guy with the machine gun essentiallycould just mow people down. They also tended to use barbed wire. Barbed wire wasn't invented in World WarI.  It was invented many decades before in the 1800s. But that would make it very hard for someoneto cross this period. They would get stuck in it. At which point these guys in the trench could shoot him down. And it would be very hard to shoot the guys in the trench. So it also, other than making it very deadly,it gave all the advantages to the defense. So any time someone wanted to gain ground,especially in one of the fronts where trench warfare was beingused, it was a hugely, hugely, hugely bloody affair. The other technology that came into mainstreamuse in World War I was the use of gas,and in particular poison gas. And as you see these gentleman right over here,they're wearing gas masks because they'reafraid that their opponent is going to use poison gas. And the benefit of gas in particularis let's say you have an artillery shell that you throwover and it doesn't hit anybody. But then it starts releasing a canisterof-- let me do that in a different color--it starts releasing a canister of gas. So the gas I've drawn in this purplish color. And so it doesn't have to be a direct hit. It can just linger there and infect that trench. And it'll affect everyone there. And gas warfare was-- actually, the Germansweren't first to use just gas warfare. But they were the first to use very lethal, whatwe would call poison, gas. And in particular in 1915, they used chlorine gas. So let me write that down. Chlorine gas, which immediately attacks the respiratory systemof the person who inhales it. And they essentially choke to deathwithin seconds or minutes. They also used phosgene gas because this did notstimulate that choking. And in some ways it could infiltratethe respiratory system even more. It had a delayed effect. So it would linger around. And you have the use of mustard gas. Mustard gas was very hard to protect against. It wouldn't immediately have you choke to deathlike chlorine gas. It would be severe blistering. It would essentially take you out of the battle. It was very hard to protect against. And it would also linger around in the trench. So it made the trench a very toxic environment to work in. So these are very, very, very ugly weapons. I mean, war itself is ugly. Weapons themselves are ugly. I mean, the machine gun is not a pleasant weapon. It can mow people down. But even folks who view somethinglike a machine gun as an acceptable thingtend to view these things as particularly ugly thingsto use. Other weapons that showed up in World War I,we talked about this in other videos,but the tank started to become a factor. This right over here is an American tank. Obviously, with these treads it can go in tough terrain. It's heavily, heavily armored. When you talk about this trench type of thing,well, if you've got a big hulking beast,maybe that could roll through the barbed wireand take some beating and maybe eventually--so you could imagine a tank over here, it could eventually--and actually the tanks at this timedid not have these big turrets. So they might have looked something more like that. But this might be able to actuallybe part of an offensive against a trench like this. We've talked extensively about submarine warfarein World War I.  The Germans especially used it, essentiallyto have a chance against the dominant British Navy. Unrestricted U-boat warfare was one of the primary reasonsgiven by the Americans as to why they enteredthe war on the side of the entente. These are World War I era US submarines,just to give an idea of how they actually looked. And in some ways the best foreshadowing of whatwould play a major, major, major role in future warsit was the bringing of heavier than air craft into the war. So in particular, we're talking about airplanes. So before this, you had stuff like balloons and zeppelinsused for reconnaissance, used to see where we should aimthe artillery, things like that. But now you had the Wright brothers only, frankly,several years before inventing the engine powered heavierthan air craft. And at first the airplane, in the beginning stages the war,was used for reconnaissance. But as the technology improved, as the engines improved,it started to be used for bombing. It started to actually used for air to air combat. And out of all of the folks involved in air to air combat,this gentleman right over here is probably the most famous. Although you might not recognize his name. He's been turned into a bit of a caricature in the modern world. But this is Manfred von Richthofen. And he was a pilot for the Germans. And he's more famously known as the Red Baron. And he was called the Red Baron because he was actuallya Baron. It is a title of nobility in imperial Germany. And he painted his plane red. So this is a picture of his plane right over here. So if I were to color it in-- I guess this isn't quite red. I should actually probably try to get a more reddish color. So maybe this is more of a red. So this is obviously a black and white photograph,but maybe if I color it in for you,you'll get more of the feeling of whathis plane might have looked like. And it was a triplane. It had these three wings right over here,or three levels of wings. So whatever, his plane was red. That's why he was called the Red Baron. And he was famous for being the most lethal pilot in allof the war. He has 80 confirmed kills. He was able to down 80 enemy aircraft. So 80 confirmed wins, I guess youcan say in combat, which is more than any other folks in WorldWar I.  So very, very famous pilot. He himself-- when you're talking about any of the combatantsin World War I did not have a long life expectancy. The pilots especially this was a dangerous game. And he also, despite being the top pilot,the top ace, amongst all the pilots in World War I,he also ended up getting shot in the air in 1918. He literally got shot through the lungs and the heart. He somehow managed to land his plane. And when the people ran up to him, the accounts say,that his famous last words as he died,right when they ran up to him, was "kaput". So interesting. And on top of that, he's now beenturned into a bit of a caricature. I mean, us in the West, in the US,we recognize the brand Red Baron pizza. It is named for the Red Baron, for Manfred von Richthofen. Kind of a strange name, I think, for a pizza company. I mean, he's not even Italian. But that's, I guess, what we know him for. But you see, this guy right over herelooks a lot more like Tom Selleck than looklike the real Manfred von Richthofen.

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