In Uzbekistan prices vehiclesrose about up to 30
percent,depending on the model and modifications. In thatvideo you will learn, many now
standautomobiles. Hello myAzam name Azizov,
I blogger makes videoabout Uzbekistan, other Central Asian countries.
Representatives the companyGM Uzbekistan confirmedprice increase
vehiclesshowrooms Uzbekistan. Increase affected almost the entire rangeA number
of manufacturers. Depending on the modification pricesof Matiz range from 13
millionthree hundred fifty-eightthousand sum.
Cobalt 25 five million 992 thousand sums. Spark in the
showroomsUzbekistan is now can be found on16606000. PricesOrlando is 40 143,000 million
andhigher. Cost of Damas ranging from 16-915 million million. Nexia 19 million
146 000 &Prices from Malibu 49 million, 217 thousand sums. These prices
werepublished in official websitecompany. Recall that in Uzbekistan should not
bejust come and to buy a car. Youfirst
pay certain amount, andpick up the car can latera few months. GM Uzbekistanis an monopolist in the market.
Buy foreign cars disadvantageous becausehigh customs duties. And what do youthink about this about? Write
your own reviewopinion in the comments.
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